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The individuals behind Safe Gambling Week – Sustainable Gambling – iGB

For five years, Safe Gambling Week has been a significant event in the UK gambling sector. Deborah Roil, the event organizer who educates individuals about responsible gambling and safety measures, discussed with ICE365 the evolution of the event.

The masterminds behind Safe Gambling Week
In 2014, five UK gambling organizations established the Industry Group for Responsible Gambling (IGRG), a new initiative aimed at promoting safer gambling practices. Deborah Roil, a consultant with experience at EY and subsequent development director at Aspers, where she played a key role in launching the Community Action on Responsible Gambling (CARG) group, was invited to join.

Roil had previously contributed to projects for the IGRG and was tasked with leading the organization of what was initially known as Responsible Gambling Week, with the inaugural event taking place from 12 to 18 October 2017. “Following the first event, they requested me to continue overseeing the events,” she stated.

In the previous year, it was rebranded as Safe Gambling Week and has emerged as a highly significant week within the industry. Roil expressed satisfaction with the substantial growth the event has experienced since its inception.

Previously, the weekly event has transitioned from a primary emphasis on information distribution and direction to a deeper level of industry involvement, through worker programs, and more deliberation across the sector about how to enhance and implement things. “It’s expanding, both in terms of what’s taking place and who’s participating.”

In the past, operator participation has been high; the 2017 edition saw industry groups pledge to get all operator members involved, even if for a brief period. Roil stated the initial year was well-received, and 2018 saw an enhancement thanks to a longer preparation period. It has expanded annually since.

“From 2019 onward, we observed more and more organizations from outside the sector joining and getting involved,” she continued. “We made it clear that this was for anyone who desired to take part, and we’ve been open to local authorities, GP practices, charities, and other organizations, such as manufacturing firms, examining it from a workplace perspective, and it’s truly grown year after year, both in terms of the level of involvement from external participants, and the level of involvement on social media.”


Nevertheless, the 2020 edition took place during the UK’s COVID-19 lockdown. The land-based industry was closed for most of the year, meaning betting shops couldn’t perform the full-scale window takeovers as they typically would, which provided the campaign significant visibility on the high street.

We were struck with a double blow, on one hand, there were no walkers on the street, and on the other hand, workers didn’t have enough time to post lockdown notices in shop windows, or enough personnel to do it,” stated Royle.

However, she noted that the social media drive as part of Safer Gambling Week was similar to 2019, and Safer Gambling Week activities primarily involve the land-based gaming industry. “We believe that if the land-based gaming industry hadn’t been closed down, we would have had a very successful campaign this year.”

Moreover, it still had an effect. Research shows that the drive, which ran from November 19 to 25, 2020, led to a significant rise in the number of people using deposit limit tools.

The number of people setting deposit limits soared by 49% during the drive, while the total number of players setting deposit limits rose by 58% compared to the previous four weeks.

In turn, this was a 128% increase in deposit limits set compared to the drive in 2019, and a 141% increase in the number of players setting limits, while active customers only increased by 23%. Overall, 8% of players set deposit limits in November 2020.

This impacted the plans for Safer Gambling Week 2021. “We hope that this time, by making the use of deposit limit tools a ‘campaign within a campaign,’ we hope to have greater involvement this year,” said Royle.

Year-round plan
While Safer Gambling Week is just one week out of 52, the planning is a year-round endeavor.

The schedule for the subsequent year’s Safer Gambling Week is established at the commencement of the present year’s Safer Gambling Week. Then, they evaluate the preceding year, collect feedback, and carry out independent market research. This data is compiled into a report in January.

Following February, the plan for the following year is developed in March. New projects are conceived, and promotional materials are produced. From June onward, this information is transmitted to operators, and cooperation with the week’s charitable partners, YGAM and GamCare, commences.

“I want to make it clear that this is not a campaign to spend money on advertising. It is an event for the entire industry to take part in,” stated Royal. “We have constructed a platform within the Safer Gambling Week team, developed strategies, information, branding, and promotional materials, and then distributed them. Organizations participating in the week will utilize this platform and expand upon it with a variety of activities.”

In the months leading up to the official commencement of the week, there is always a “last-minute rush” as some smaller operators who are not members of the industry association join. “We are a diverse group.

“Anyone who wishes to participate and follow the way the week operates, we welcome them to join – I mean, we are very clear that the week is not about promoting any business, but about promoting safe gambling. We are very strict about the use of materials.”

What will transpire in 2021?

To further advance responsible gambling practices, each edition will introduce new programs, using the 2020 Safer Gambling Forum as a model. Last year’s implementation of deposit limits ignited a campaign specifically aimed at limit setting, while operators will concentrate on promoting the tools and features they provide to customers, as well as conducting thorough employee training programs.

Royle continued, stating that the public will observe sports ambassadors backing the campaign through social media, while its partners YGAM and GamCare will each carry out a series of activities.

GamCare will release research on the general knowledge and comprehension of responsible gambling, with a particular emphasis on women and gambling. It will also contribute to events like the Safer Gambling Forum and provide updates on the TalkBanStop campaign.

Meanwhile, YGAM will collaborate with Betknowmore to provide training for industry leaders and operators, as well as conduct educational programs for educators, youth workers, parents, religious and community leaders, and healthcare professionals.

Pause to Consider
But one of the most noticeable changes, and one that has been ongoing throughout the year, has already taken place. “When the fun stops, stop” has been replaced by “Pause to Consider” as the industry’s responsible gambling slogan.

Royle pointed out that this change was more of a coincidence in timing than part of Safer Gambling Week, but it reflects the effort and thought being put into player protection.

This has been a procedure involving extensive investigation and collaboration with key players, demonstrating the industry’s desire for impactful action. The timing of Safe Gambling Week was carefully considered, and it provided a suitable platform for the industry to take effective action.

The “Taking Time To Think” initiative represents a significant shift, and the messaging developed for Safe Gambling Week served as a foundation for this phrase.

One of the primary challenges is industry-wide education. Crafting messaging that resonates effectively across diverse products and audiences is a complex endeavor. Since its inception, “Let’s Talk…” has been a core part of the messaging, but as the industry has matured, the introductory phrase has evolved from “responsible” to “safer” gambling.

Over time, further adjustments were made based on independent market research into the Safe Gambling Week messaging, as well as other research projects conducted by operators (with support from treatment providers and charities). This led to refinements rather than a complete overhaul, influenced by the “Taking Time To Think” campaign. These changes even extended to the tone.

The goal of Safe Gambling Week was not to adopt a “parental” tone, but rather a “peer-to-peer” approach.

The Impact of COVID-19 and Feedback

In spite of this, wagering has been a contentious subject, particularly in recent times. The arrival of Secure Gambling Week in 2021, coinciding with a reassessment of gambling regulations, saw the sector facing strong criticism from the news outlets and some lawmakers.

Royle stated this didn’t impact the event’s objective. She mentioned Secure Gambling Week aims to increase awareness of responsible gambling, what it entails, and what resources are accessible to assist individuals. “I understand the atmosphere has become more negative, but the purpose of the occasion hasn’t altered,” she stated.

“I believe it’s very significant. This is the fifth year of the event, and the objective remains the same. [We] haven’t modified our strategy due to what’s transpiring in the media or in Parliament.

“I mean, from a positive standpoint, we’ve always planned to develop, incorporate new and diverse elements, but the core approach that the industry association has always respected and understood is that it’s a long-term strategy,” she added. “When you conduct a campaign, you don’t do it as a one-year endeavor; it’s a long-term commitment.”

One critique of Secure Gambling Week is that it’s just one week out of the year, but that’s not the case. “What I observe when I collaborate with operators is that they’re working throughout the year, they’re doing various things throughout the year, and this week is about highlighting to the public and to clients what information is accessible and where they can obtain it.”

Its not something you can do on a daily basis – it would diminish its effect. It’s crucial to make it stand out so it has an influence. That doesn’t mean it should only occur once a year.

After more than two decades in the gaming industry, Royale believes that operators’ perspectives on responsible gambling have evolved significantly in the past five to eight years – this week is merely a small piece of that transformation.

However, this small piece is expanding rapidly. “It’s gone from nonexistent to a fully accepted part of the schedule,” she states.

“Individuals are inquiring about how to participate. I’m truly pleased with how quickly it’s expanding and with the eagerness of organizations outside the industry to engage in responsible gambling.”

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