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This years iGB Affiliate London conference will feature a plethora of live sessions. The agenda will cover a wide range of topics, including the World Cup, social media marketing, and strategies for the US market. Several prominent figures in the industry will be present, including Erica Anderson from Income Access, Joshua Pizzie from Better Collective, and Cristina Niculae from Interactive Gaming Group. They will discuss various subjects, such as app differentiation and legal compliance. It promises to be an exceptional event!

Raketechs Chief Operating Officer, Oscar Carlsten, and Cory Padveen, a Partner at t2 Marketing International, are among the speakers.

Ryan Henderson, Head of Affiliates at Kindred Group; Alan Stone, Chief Executive Officer of Intelitics; and Dom Selicka, Head of Search Marketing at Blueclaw, will also share their insights.

“All topics are business-oriented, with content carefully chosen to enable attendees to better utilize various opportunities, whether it’s creating search-focused strategies to capitalize on the significant activity generated by major sporting events like the 2022 FIFA World Cup, or taking advantage of the rise of mobile betting in the US, and how to market across state lines within the guidance and regulatory requirements,” said Naomi Barton, iGB Brand Portfolio Director.

“We will also examine a new set of best practice standards being developed for the industry, designed to enhance business opportunities, reduce expenses, increase transparency, and foster trust between affiliates and operators.

“This session, introduced by Oscar Carlsten, Chief Operating Officer of Raketech, will provide an opportunity to hear from affiliate company representatives behind the standards, affiliate software providers who helped create them, and operators who support them.”

The iGB Affiliate conference is an integral part of the larger iGB Affiliate London gathering, which is making a comeback next month after a two-year hiatus due to the global health crisis. This year’s exhibition will be 28% more extensive than the previous one, with approximately 160 businesses showcasing their offerings at the ExCeL London from April 13-14.

“The financial investment being poured into iGB Affiliate London in April demonstrates the remarkable growth of the industry,” stated Barton.

“Our gathering in Amsterdam last September was a resounding success among the iGaming and affiliate community. The triumph of these events, particularly the business transactions conducted after a two-year absence from iGaming gatherings, has inspired a significant number of new companies to view iGB Affiliate London as their next major event and register to exhibit their products.

“This signifies that attendees at the event will encounter a plethora of new faces and discover innovative avenues for conducting business and acquiring new clientele.”

iGB Affiliate London will be held from April 13-14, 2022, concurrently with ICE London, the world’s premier B2B gaming event, which will take place from April 12-14.

To register for iGB Affiliate London 2022, click here.

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