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## The Gen Y Sweet Spot – iGB

Generation Y is rapidly becoming the leading consumer demographic, but sports wagering companies are struggling to engage this increasingly significant revenue source, notes Sabrina Solda, Chief Marketing Officer of BtoBets.

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**Hitting the Sweet Spot for Generation Y**

Generation Y is rapidly becoming the leading consumer demographic, but sports wagering operators and marketers are struggling to engage this increasingly significant revenue source.

Sabrina Solda, Chief Marketing Officer of BtoBet, observes what distinguishes this group and suggests effective strategies to target these players.

Generation Y is growing in influence and will soon be the leading consumer demographic in the wagering industry. For this group, the ability to express themselves is of paramount importance.

Sometimes this means getting a tattoo or starting a podcast, and sometimes it means finding a label for themselves and sending amusing emojis.

However, for sports wagering operators and marketers, engaging this key revenue source has become an increasingly difficult challenge.

Generation Y wants to experience the action through technology, and the wagering industry undoubtedly has the potential to offer this experience, thereby attracting and retaining them. It can make the millennial betting experience a new source of entertainment, fun, and income.

The advancement of technology has significantly impacted the landscape of sports wagering, with younger generations showing a greater affinity for it compared to their elders. Nowadays, placing bets through mobile devices is commonplace, particularly for the younger demographic.

To captivate this audience, it’s vital to offer novel side bets and engaging games, creating a distinctive and effortless experience.

Research indicates that millennials are more inclined to participate in games and betting activities that demand skill.

Traditional betting venues should consider expanding their offerings, not only in terms of wagering options but also by cultivating a welcoming and entertaining environment that fosters social interaction. This could involve incorporating digital and interactive zones equipped with Wi-Fi and charging stations, making the space more appealing and enjoyable for this specific age group.

Here are some recommendations:

It’s essential for betting companies to recognize that these emerging young demographics seek a sense of individuality, thus favoring personalized and tailored offers.

Advanced technology and artificial intelligence empower operators to identify millennials, track their behavior, and validate their preferences, ultimately delivering a customized experience.

To reach this objective, we have developed a smart suggestion system that offers personalized gaming items based on each player’s unique requirements and tastes, leading to a truly customized gaming experience.

Those born in the millennial generation entered a world where technology is everywhere, allowing them to connect and socialize with friends in the digital sphere. Technology has become an essential part of their daily lives.

They engage with the world through technology, whether for work or leisure. By selecting a multi-channel platform, operators can provide millennials with the options and access they seek, which will undoubtedly result in increased customer loyalty.

Millennials are tech-proficient, naturally skilled at handling multiple tasks, and highly value self-expression. Consequently, operators need to make platforms more suited to their needs, giving due importance to game-like features and social gaming.

As the Chief Marketing Officer of BtoBet, Sabrina Solda is responsible for planning and executing BtoBet’s inbound marketing strategy to enhance its presence and demand in the global marketplace.

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