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Law enforcement in Macau have dismantled a gambling racket involving internal assistance, apprehending eight individuals.

The ring is suspected of conspiring to defraud casinos situated on the Cotai Strip, absconding with a substantial amount of 4.54 million Macanese Patacas (equivalent to approximately $120,000 USD). Five of the apprehended individuals were employed by the casinos, holding positions such as table manager, supervisor, and dealers. They are alleged to have been enlisted by the syndicate and utilized their roles to manipulate playing cards during games. The remaining three suspects are believed to be the organizers behind the scheme.

The Judiciary Police have connected this incident to two previous casino swindles that transpired earlier this year in April and May, involving sums ranging from 1.7 million to 5 million Patacas.

Authorities suspect that additional members of the group remain at large and are continuing their investigative efforts.

This particular case, in addition to a separate casino fraud incident in early May, has garnered significant attention from Macau’s news outlets. The other event involved the detention of multiple individuals and the confiscation of a large quantity of counterfeit casino chips valued at HK$5.85 million (approximately US$748,000).

These occurrences underscore the escalating apprehension surrounding casino scams and structured crime targeting Macau’s gaming sector. The Philippines, another Asian center for gambling, is also grappling with comparable dangers from cybercrime directed at its burgeoning electronic games and online wagering industry and has been intensifying its own measures to counteract these illicit activities.

President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr. …

The nation has elevated its efforts in combating digital threats! They recently launched a fresh initiative, dubbed the “National Cyberdefense Plan 2023-2028.” This represents a holistic strategy, addressing everything from the initial indication of an issue and swiftly responding, to conducting thorough probes into cyber events and ensuring perpetrators are held accountable.

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