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The top-tier soccer league in China has expanded its collaboration with Stats Perform through a long-term agreement. As the league’s authorized data source, Stats Perform will keep outfitting all CSL venues with its SportVU monitoring system. This technology will record intricate player and ball movement information, improving the league’s broadcasts and online channels with sophisticated analytics and insights. Through engaging graphics and animations made possible by Stats Perform’s Pressbox Graphics program, fans can anticipate seeing this data come to life. This strengthened alliance emphasizes the CSL’s dedication to utilizing cutting-edge data analysis to improve the fan experience and foster innovation.

Rice continued, “Enthusiasts of the CSL are in for a real spectacle! They’ll gain access to analysis driven by Opta, considered the benchmark for athletic statistics.
“And for the individuals operating behind the curtain, it’s remarkable that we can provide them with state-of-the-art resources to examine games in real-time. This is poised to revolutionize how players evolve.”

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