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The British Columbia Gaming Commission (BCLC) is commemorating a significant victory for its devotion to diversity and inclusivity. Human Resources Director magazine has named them a “five-star diversity and inclusion employer.” This esteemed accolade underscores BCLC’s commitment to fostering a work environment where all individuals feel embraced and esteemed. Among Canadian firms with 500-2,499 employees, BCLC stood alone in receiving this honor. Their recognition is not unprecedented, as they earned a “leading diversity and inclusion employer” award in 2022. What is BCLC’s key to success? They persistently endeavor to cultivate an atmosphere devoid of prejudice, where every individual feels appreciated and listened to. They firmly believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only ethically sound but also contributes to a more robust and prosperous organization. This recent award serves as a testament to BCLC’s continuous endeavors in establishing a workplace that mirrors the diversity of the communities it caters to.

During the sixth month of 2022, the British Columbia Lottery Corporation, also known as BCLC, collaborated with the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, or SIGA. Their objective was to introduce Saskatchewan to PlayNow, BCLC’s internet-based gaming platform. This joint effort broadens the selection of gaming choices accessible to Saskatchewan’s players.

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