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The Canberra Gaming Establishment has recovered and no longer requires financial aid from the government.

Following a robust conclusion to the year 2020, Aquis Entertainment declared that its Canberra gaming venue is no longer qualified for the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government’s COVID-19 JobKeeper initiative. This initiative, a component of the second stage of federal assistance, operated from September 28, 2020, until January 3, 2021, and provided aid to businesses in maintaining their workforce.

The gaming venue met the criteria for the initial stage of the initiative but rebounded so significantly in the preceding quarter that it no longer necessitates government support. The enterprise indicated that its entire staff had returned to their positions as of December 2020.

Aquis will maintain operations at the gaming venue in accordance with its COVID-19 Safety Plan, which undergoes daily review and adheres to ACT government mandates. Prevailing directives permit one customer per four square meters of accessible indoor area, with an upper limit of 505 patrons.

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